5th Applied Genetics Workshop

Awareness Session: 5 Oct 2010

9h30 Registration
10h00 Breast cancer and your genes Prof J Apffelstaedt
Clinic, Tygerberg Academic Hospital & Private Practice, Panorama
10h45 The MammaPrint research project

Kathy Grant – PhD student,
Dept of Pathology, University of Stellenbosch


Genetic variation in the CYP2D6 gene, oestrogen metabolism and Tamoxifen

Nicole van der Merwe – MSc student, Dept
of Pathology, University of Stellenbosch

Genetic variation in the CYP1A2 gene,
metabolism and cancer risk

Lizanne de Kock – BSc (Hons) student, Dept
of Pathology, University of Stellenbosch

Geneticvariation in the MTHFR gene, folate metabolism and cancer risk

William Davis – BSc (Hons) student, Dept
of Pathology, University of Stellenbosch

Genetic variation in the PON-1 gene, oxidative stress and cancer risk

Kobus Pretorius – BSc (Hons) student, Dept of Pathology, University of Stellenbosch


Dr Heloise Avenant – Blueprint Health

Workshop: 5 Oct 2010 14h00-18h00

13h00 Registration & Lunch
14h00 Introduction: Pathology and Genetics Prof J Schneider – Department of Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg
14h30 Funding genetic testing in South Africa: what are the drivers?

Prof M de Klerk – Business School.
University of Stellenbosch and Qualsa Managed Care.


The predictive value and cost-effectiveness of breast cancer gene profiling

R van Klaveren – Agendia, The Netherlands
16h00 Break
16h10 Breast cancer genetic testing in clinical practice

Dr K Baatjes – Breast Clinic, Tygerberg Hospital and Private Practice, Panorama


The importance of multidisciplinary decision-making in breast cancer genetics

Dr E Myburgh – Private Practicing Surgeon, Panorama Hospital, Panorama
17h45 Pathology supported genetic testing: Ethical considerations Prof MJ Kotze – Dept of Pathology, SU Tygerberg Academic Hospital and Gknowmix
18h00 Discussion