With Laboratories
Gknowmix works with genetic and pathology laboratories worldwide to deliver value-adding genomic solutions in clinical practice.
The test results obtained by the laboratory are added to the patient profile defined by the referring healthcare practitioner and client prior to report generation using the Gknowmix software program. This “logic engine” pools information from different sources for data interpretation and reporting.
Participating laboratories upload the test reports using our online system and forward it to their clients, unless this service is outsourced to Gknowmix. Our informative test reports generally include both a diagnostic and risk management component to fulfill the promise of personalized medicine.
Endorsement by GknowmixTM involves authorization of test reports by qualified representatives of the team of clinicians, pathologists, geneticists and/or scientists involved in the creation of new assays and services. These comprehensive “Genescreens” developed for patients with cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, etc. can also be included in Wellness Programs offered by medical schemes and clinicians involved with workplace health and other healthcare initiatives.
As part of the service delivery process, a genetic database is build that translates into a new approach in healthcare: Pathology Supported Gene-based InterventionTM.
We invite accredited diagnostic laboratories to make use of our genetic counseling and/or Genescreen solutions following an analytical validation process as part of the Gknowmix quality control system. Laboratories may also contact us to market their own clinically validated genomic solutions as part of existing (e.g. Agendia’s MammaPrint® service, Molecular Diagnostic Service’s GenePro Wellness risk management program) or new Genescreen themes via the Gknowmix website.